It's an uncomfortable question, being asked what is in one's Bucket List. For the mostly-healthy, I think it might be a bit less so, as they believe they have all this time to get through it. Maybe it makes the responses a little more flamboyant. With braving up this last year and being more open with others about having a combination of conditions which now have led to me being labeled as "terminal" and open to being moved to "palliative" care as no one sees improvement as being likely, I've been asked well over a dozen times if I have a Bucket List.
I do.
Kind of.
It's a work in progress, as I had some pretty crazy things on there, but I've slimmed those down. While there are some far-fetched things on the list (at least in my mind) a lot of it is doable with a bit of help.
So... here's Holly's Bucket List
Return to Yellowstone
Return to Colorado in the autumn and listen to the elk bugle one more time
Finish the Lower 48 with visiting Oregon, Washington and California
Finish the 50 states by visiting Hawaii and Alaska and stand on an active volcano
Visit more of Europe after going back to Wales
Visit Canada
Spend a couple weeks going back to storm/tornado chasing
Record a CD of songs and readings for friends and family
Become an Inspirational Speaker
Go fishing and actually catch a fish
Ride horses one more time (would have to be adaptive)
Write and publish at least one more book
Have someone seriously promote the Midnight to Morning trilogy
Visit the ocean. Often.
Go on a Compassion International tour to meet one of my sponsored children
Live simply out of a camper so I can travel more
Overnight in the cabins at Wild Heart Ranch in Oklahoma and help feed the babies and visit the other animals there
As many of my online friends as possible
Keep visiting family as much as possible, no matter where they live
Either Amy Grant or Michael W. Smith (or both)
Meet and spend time with Selah
Nicole Nordeman
Attend a Secret Garden performance
Attend more Selah concerts
Attend as many concerts as possible. Period. Especially smaller acoustic ones of my long list of favored artists
So there it is... What I'd love to do before these conditions do too much damage or "takes my life prematurely" as most of my specialists tend to say when discussing the long-term. I hope many of them can be completed while I keep praying for better treatment and a chance to cure some of it.