This year has seen our driveway repaired, our garden getting a bit out of control, a vacation to Alabama and Tennessee in the middle of summer, Owen's parents starting their move to Wisconsin (to be near their granddaughters,) us paying off a large chunk of debt and more. We are going to need to get some outside help with the landscaping and garden repairs, though. I cannot keep up with it all. We traveled to Alabama and Tennessee for vacation, spent time with Owen's aunt and uncle as they visited from Wales, and had some other day-trip adventures. There were two losses, in that our precious Hobo-dog went over Rainbow Bridge (see post below this one) and Fledgling (tiel) followed shortly. I still miss Hobo every day and find myself looking for him in his "den," our closet, every time I go in there. Luke and Ginger are doing great and are loving that we have a fenced in back yard now. Erwin-bird (aka "little twiddle") is going strong at age 17! He's such a funny little guy.
Owen has been doing good at his job as the town governments' Sys Admin. He's now more into the HAM radio world than ever. Just last month we got to listen to the astronauts on the International Space Station through one of his radios! He's also been getting into tracking airplanes with it and is part of an emergency "net" system for weather or other disasters. It's great to see him enjoying his hobby. Also, by the time some of you read this, Owen will have had his first dose of the new drug for PKU - Palynziq (PegPal.) It's, in short, a bacteria genetically modified to eat phenylalanine, the amino acid Owen's body cannot process. It is going to be a long process of getting up to the full dose, as it works similar to allergy shots. However, once he is up to maintenance, my husband will be able to eat an almost normal diet! He will be able to eat chicken, beef, fish, higher protein grains and other foods and will finally be off the nasty metabolic formula which kills is appetite. He's down 10 pounds now, so all of his doctors are eager to move this process forward. The drug was only approved back in Sept, so he gets to be a trailblazer again.
That's about it for now. With getting back into blogging more, and with social media, anything key I missed is bound to be online somewhere!